Nicholas Pischke

I’m a mathematician working in the field of (mathematical) logic, with a focus on proof theory. In particular, I am interested in Gödel's functional interpretation and its applications in the proof mining program. In the past, I have also been interested in modal logics, many-valued logics and intermediate logics and the resulting combination thereof as well as structural proof theory.

I am a member of the Logic Group within the Department of Mathematics at TU Darmstadt. I obtained my PhD (Dr.rer.nat.) from the same department with a thesis written under the supervision of Ulrich Kohlenbach.

Picture credit: Oberwolfach Photo Collection

Email: pischkenicholas [at] gmail [dot] com / pischke [at] mathematik [dot] tu-darmstadt [dot] de

A proof mining bibliography: alphabetical and chronological

Things of Interest:
The Association for Symbolic Logic has awarded me the Sacks prize for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic of 2024! You can read about it here. The other winner is Erfan Khaniki who, among many other things, proved the amazing result that not all Kripke models of HA are locally PA!

Notes and Papers





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